Sunday, December 20, 2015

she said no to hospice

The last week was a wild one emotionally.  As I mentioned in my last post, Gary got on a plane to Texas for work meetings but ended up visiting his mom in the hospital the whole time.  She was in pretty bad shape and due to her dementia and a possible stroke she failed 4 swallow tests.  She made it clear she didn't want a feeding tube, so hospice was the option the family agreed on.  She had moments of clarity and moments of unknown (to her) anger.  She was a roller coaster of emotions making her kids emotional also.

After 2 days in hospice she woke up and said she was hungry.  We knew she couldn't swallow, but she did.  We couldn't believe it as she ate soup from a spoon!  Now she seems to be eating well and even got out of bed to walk a bit.  What?  We are all in shock.  She isn't taking any medications.  She can't swallow pills, but she's doing good even without her blood pressure medicine.  Her mind is fuzzy due to no dementia medication, but all in all she seems to be proving the doctors wrong at 79 years old.

What in the world?  We have no idea what to think.  We are just taking it day to day.  A few days ago we thought she was dying and now she is making jokes and high fiving the nurses.  It's never easy with Gary's mom.  She's always been a fighter and I guess she just wasn't ready to meet Jesus.  One thing I have learned and continue to learn is doctors are practicing medicine.  They may not always be right, so never give up!  We are still day to day with MeMaw.  We aren't sure of the next steps but knowing her she will choose her own path!!

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