Saturday, February 27, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

rope jumper

Hayden suddenly got it!  

He would watch Layla jump rope when we lived in Ohio.  She was in a jump rope club at school and she would come home and practice and he'd get so mad that he couldn't do it. I think he hung his rope and walked away and moved on to other things! haha! 

Well, now he's a jump roping pro!  I love how he gets his 'game face' on.  He sticks that tongue out and gets after it.  He can even criss cross the rope in front of him!  Woohoo!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

a fast and furious beach trip

Oh my goodness look at that view of the ocean!

I've never been to a Florida beach, and I'm happy to say that now I have!!!  The white sandy beaches do not disappoint!

We got to the beach in the late afternoon and we explored and played.  The water was cold and the wind was chilly, but we didn't care!

I couldn't wait to put my toes in the Florida sand.

After a fun trip to the beach the kids dove into the heated swimming pool!  It wasn't warm enough for me, but they had a blast while I watched a couple get married!

I got teary eyed because Gary and I got married on the beach 15 years ago. It was a special time for us and I know that couple will have so much fun in their 15 years ahead!

The sunset was gorgeous and look how large that sun is!

Balcony selfie!  Woohoo!

We went to the Crab Trap for dinner and it was delicious.  I'm laughing just thinking about our initial seating arrangement.  The kids were annoyed with the loud screaming kids seated near us.  Also the hostess sat us right with all the other people in the place.  We wanted to sit together without sitting on top of other people.  The kids asked to move!  How funny.  They are serious about their restaurant atmosphere.  We moved to the closed patio area and enjoyed the peace and quiet!

We had a wonderful meal, minus Hayden choking on a mozzarella stick.  The cheese was so dang stringy.  You gotta watch that melty cheese. ;)

We woke up to an amazing sunrise and the sound of waves crashing.  The wind was much more calm and our morning stroll on the beach was awesome.  The kids played in the sand for a few hours before they dove into the swimming pool again.  

Hayden got his cardio in for the day!

We had to head out to get back to Atlanta to relieve our pet sitter. She took care of our dogs all week long.  We wish we could have stayed in Florida longer, but we are grateful for the time we had! 

  We had a great winter break visiting Texas and Florida.  I'm thankful God blessed us with safe travels and wonderful adventures.  He also blessed us with an awesome pet sitter and that peace of mind is worth more than you can imagine.  I missed those fur babies and am happy to be back home on the couch with them!

Friday, February 19, 2016

doing all things Waco!

We are on winter break, but our friends here in town are not.  We decided to go do some sight seeing while our buddies were doing real life work and school.

Hayden and Gary wanted to see McLane Stadium, home of the Baylor Bears!!!!!

Wow it is gorgeous!  I was in love!

We tried so hard to get a good picture of us in front of the Bears sign, but gosh the sun was bright.  I'm NOT mad about that bright sun, but dang the kiddos forgot shades.  Both of them were sun glass free. I was a mean momma and didn't feel bad for them.  I told them to pack shades!  Gary was trying to see the screen so he put his on his head.  This picture will make me giggle forever!!

This is one happy boy!

We also have one happy girl too.  She is obsessed with the show Fixer Upper.

She found and purchased a cute goat shirt and was happy as can be.  Honestly, I was a little disappointed.  The market is just full of home decor.  Don't get me wrong, I love to decorate my house, but I would have loved to see some other fun stuff in there.  I'm not sure what I was expecting, so I don't know why I was disappointed.

The outdoor area was fun and the weather was amazing.  There was a live band and there were 7-8 food trucks lining the property.  There was a cute little garden area and as you can see there is a grassy area where kids were playing ball and enjoying the sunshine!  We were there during the week a little before lunch time and the parking was awful.  I don't think I'd be brave enough to visit on a weekend.  Goodness, it's a popular place!

Our buddies live about 7 miles from McGregor, so we drove by the Magnolia house bed and breakfast.  Layla loved it, but really wanted to go inside for a tour.  She was begging to go inside, but that just wasn't possible.  Maybe someday soon we can go visit and stay there for a night!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

enjoying the country

We are so happy to be visiting Auntie and Donny Ray.  We haven't been to their house in YEARS.  It's been way too long.  Layla remembered their house and land, but Hayden barely remembered.  It was great to see the kids run and explore!

Hayden ran the whole time we were there.  It was so fun to see the kiddos fly a kite, play baseball and explore and find cool creatures.

We enjoyed a nice warm bonfire!

Hayden snuggled up with cousin KP's favorite comforter.  He'll be jealous when he sees this! ;)

A visit to Texas always requires ribs.  Thank you Auntie and Donny Ray for the southern hospitality!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day 2016

The kids think it's funny that it seems like we always travel on holidays.  V-day isn't a holiday for real, but it is sorta!  We are on a road trip to Texas to visit family and friends.

It only took us about 1 hour to cross into Alabama!

And then Mississippi.

Louisiana was the most boring drive.  The roads were awful and so bumpy!

On this Valentine's day trip I discovered conversations hearts don't taste like they tasted when I was a kid.  Gag!

There is that beautiful sunset I have missed so much.  Good ole Texas doesn't need a sign, the sun in all it's beauty is our welcome to the Lone Star State!