Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Drive west Sipes fam

We are moving. We had a driveway party with our favorite neighbors.  The kids had their last day of school at Bascomb.   We ate at all our favorite Georgia eateries.  We played at our favorite park one last time and said goodbye to many friends we made the last year and a half.

We have had quite the adventure.  We are all packed up and our moving truck is heading to Texas, but we have been stuck in Louisiana in flood waters.  We stayed in a nasty hotel because that is all that was left due to all the other stranded travelers.  We are in separate cars so driving in the pouring rain has been quite the challenge for me.  I'm not a fan.  

Hayden barfed in the hotel bed and isn't feeling well.  We have two pups that are being awesome, but could not potty due to the horrible rain.  I feel bad for them.

Of all the moves this one has been the most challenging.  It is all for good reason.  We are moving home.   We are moving back to Waco where Gary and I met.  We will make it through anything to get back home!!  The kids are cheering for us!  They are ready to be back in Texas with family!

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