Saturday, March 26, 2016

March 24, 2016

Gary's mom has been sick for months and she was moved to hospice care in December.  She seemed to have good days and bad days.  Sometimes we'd get calls that she was sitting up eating and wearing her jewelry and other days she wasn't able to get out of her bed or chair.  It's just such a hard thing to see your parent suffer.  We all agreed that she said no to dying.  She said no to hospice care, but we all know people can be in hospice for years.

Gary and I briefly lived in Michigan back in 2004 and we moved back to Fort Worth in April '04 and then suddenly Gary's dad got sick and unexpectedly died.  It was a sad time.  He was sick in the hospital and then was moved to hospice and we were all in shock.  God that called us to move home back then to be with his mom and family through that hard time.  

Early Thursday morning at the age of 79, Gary's mom died.  We have been living back in Texas for about 2 weeks.  God needed us to be back home.  It is crazy how it all happened.  Again.

I know Gary's mom and dad were reunited in heaven and they are so happy to be together.  He is grilling her a big steak and she is making baked potatoes to go with!

We are so sad to have lost such a wonderful woman.  She has been in and out of the hospital for years.  She had a terrible car accident when Layla was 3 months old and she struggled since then with her health.  She had the early stages of dementia and had constant struggles with that.  She was such a fighter.  There were times when we thought she wouldn't make it, but she came back from illness stronger and healthier than ever.  She was a Christian lady and couldn't wait to go to heaven to see God.   

I feel good knowing she is in heaven with her husband looking down on her grandbabies.  She wasn't able to do many things she wanted to do with Layla and Hayden because of her health.  I sometimes wish we'd have had the children earlier so Mamaw and PaPaw could have spoiled them rotten as I know they would have!  

Monday we go to the Veterans Memorial Cemetary to celebrate her life with our family.  I pray it is a beautiful day and God is honored in her service.  


  1. So sad to read this but so happy that she and her husband are together again and your family was able to be back home with her. Sincere condolences from Pa.

  2. Hi Angie, I have been following your blog for awhile for the wonderful food pics you post. I've never left a comment but feel the need to now. From one Texas(Lubbock)girl to another,my prayers are with yourfamily during this difficult time. Sherri


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