Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March is here!

I can't believe it's March!  March means SPRINGTIME!  Have you ever seen anything cuter that this girl with that giant Peep?  I will never get tired of her buying stuffed animals.  She can do it until she's 30 and I'll be just fine with it!

March has big things in store for the Sipes family. 

I can barely contain my excitement, but I'm so overwhelmed with packing that I can't see through the fog.  The packing and moving fog is the worst.  It's hard for me to live in chaos, but I know it is character building.  

What are we packing for?  Why the chaos?  

It will all be worth it when we are home again.  We just can't stay away from our home. 
  I think we are a crazy bunch of nomads. :-)  

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