Monday, April 25, 2016

the most refreshing summer salad

I'm back to the hot Texas sun and a refreshing salad always takes the edge off the heat.  When I lived in Ohio one of my best buddies, Annika, made this salad for book club.  I seriously could have eaten the entire bowl.  It was so good even in the not so hot Ohio heat!

I posted a picture on Instagram when I made this on Friday night and got several requested to share the recipe, so here she is....

6 cups bite size watermelon 
4 cups bite size strawberries 
1/2 chopped red onion
2 TB lime juice
1 diced Serrano pepper
2 TB chopped cilantro
1/4 cup olive oil
salt to taste

Whisk together onions, lime, salt, Serrano, and cilantro. 
Add mixture to watermelon and strawberries and toss.

While I was shopping at HEB for the ingredients Layla was in charge of the list and she talked me into using a jalapeno instead of a Serrano pepper. It was still good, but it wasn't as nice as the Serrano.  Go big and get the hot pepper because all the other flavors take the bite out of the hot pepper. 

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