Monday, May 23, 2016

it's the simple things

Sometimes a water hose and some baby shampoo is all you need for an afternoon of fun.  Well and the slip n slide too.  

All this slip n slide fun had me camera happy, so out of the bag came my "big" camera.  100 or more pictures later here we go....I just can't help it!  I only added a few to spare you the over posting of pictures. ;)

Yesterday reminded me of when the kids were littler and we lived in Haslet.  The backyard fun we had there was so simple and fun.

The kids are easily entertained and of course they make it look so fun that Gary has to join in.  I'm pretty sure Lily wanted to slide too, but she didn't want to get her new collar wet!  

The kiddos are on summer break countdown.  They have 8 days from today and they'll be out for SUMMAA!!!!

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