Sunday, May 15, 2016

Jungle Book at the Cliftex

Saturday evening the kids and I had a date with my Aunt to see a movie.  
We went to the movie in my hometown of Clifton.  

This wasn't just any theatre, it was my childhood movie theatre!  

I can't count the number of movies I saw at this tiny little place.  It wasn't so tiny when I was little.  The road seemed smaller too after the movie when we walked out into the dark evening.  It's so funny how when you're a kid things seem larger than life!

I just love downtown Clifton.  I think big things are happening in that quaint little town.  It is a happening place and I'm so happy to be living close by again so I can visit and see all the growth.

The kids had to stand and pose by this mural.  

Layla made sure to point out that it says, "Life is short, break the rules."

Hayden Cole is crazy.  He has a style of his own with the camo shorts and plaid shirt.  Goodness gracious, I just didn't want to break his heart with all the pattens he is sporting, so I didn't.  I just let him be him with the bright orange monkey around his neck.  The both wanted to take stuffed animals with a jungle theme to the movie.  I told them it was fine with me, but I wouldn't be putting those fluffy critters in my purse.  I've had many random things in my purse in my momma years!

Layla was very shocked by the fact that there was only one movie showing in one theatre.  There was not a list of movies to chose from.  There wasn't a 7:00 showing and a 9:00 showing.  They liked it and they can't wait to go back for movies this summer!

The Jungle Book was a great movie. Go see it!!!  We all enjoyed it way more than we thought we would.  I remember seeing the animated version while babysitting when I was a kid. It was such a cute movie and the non animated version was perfectly done! It was great for us animal lovers.  The movie started at 7:00 and promptly at 8:00 the screen went dark and people started getting out of their seats.  Layla looked at me with confused eyes and wondered what in the world was going on.  She also commented about what a 'clifhanger' that was.  Hahaha! She said she hoped there was a second movie. We all busted out laughing.  It was intermission time.  What theatre still has a 5 minute break?  It was awesome and such a fun and educational night in Clifton Texas!

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