Friday, May 20, 2016

sloppy joes and sparklers

Gary worked late tonight so we stayed in and I made sloppy joes.  I've never put cheese on my sloppy joe, but I did tonight and it was!  We had BBQ chips with our sandwiches and they were good too.  I had forgotten how yummy they are.

I really love our outdoor area.  I can't wait to buy a home to live in 'forever.'  I want to make the backyard all our own.  Our family is constantly outside and so the house can be cool, but the backyard must be off the chain awesome!

After our dinner we decided to play with sparklers.  It was a fun low key night, but it's those nights I love the most.  This little sock footed lady remembers getting burned by a sparkler once, so she was super cautious with her footing and where the fire fell!

We love weekends!!

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