Monday, June 20, 2016

birthday birthday and more birthday

Gary took me to Austin for a little getaway for my birthday.

We started the trip with appetizers and drinks.  I love salsa so I was so happy!

I had a marg-tini or something like that.  I've never met a margarita I didn't like, so I was double happy!

Our buddies celebrated with us and we splurged on a fun hotel in Austin.

While innocently hanging out at the pool, this girl flew in from California to help me celebrate 40.  Oh what a wonderful surprise.  We haven't seen each other in 11 years, but it was like we never were apart!

40 selfie was in order, and look at one of my birthday gifts from Gary and the kids, a gold Texas necklace.  I love it so much!

Our group walked around the 6th street area and met up with some other buddies who live nearby.

It was the most fun and I felt spoiled!

6th street was crazy and I was loving the people watching.

And then  I danced on the bar.

I love that we got to take a selfie.  All of these wonderful folks just let me do it and didn't even try to argue. lol!  I love them all for making me feel so special and for putting up with my month long celebration!

We made our way back to Waco so Audra & Scott could tour the town and see how much Waco has grown.  We had a party at our house and even had the soccer game on a projector.  Oh my!  It was so fun.  I had a wonderful weekend.

I am one blessed lady and I'm so thankful for all the fun memories made!

So far 40 is amazing!!!!

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