Monday, July 4, 2016

July 4, 2016

Our July 4th was pretty low key and that was just fine with us.  The good thing about being back in Waco is that we have lots of friends to keep us busy.  We have been taking advantage of Gary being off work and enjoying every minute and so it's been a super busy summer so far!

Today was all about us hanging out together and staying somewhat low key.

We bought sparklers and smoke bombs and just hung out here at the house since Gary starts his new job bright and early in the morning.  I'm so excited for him!

God is good and he has shown that since we made our move back home.  I'm so happy with our choice to move.  I'm excited to see what else God has in store for us.  I can just visualize the home I can't wait to purchase.  I don't mind renting for now because I know that in time we will find the right spot for our family and I'm hoping that includes a pool for these hot summer months.  We have three summer birthday celebrations in our family and a swimming pool would be amazing.  

I'm saying all that to say...I can't wait to look back at this blog in a couple of years to see where we are compared to where we have been!  I sure do enjoy this scrapbook of ours!

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