Tuesday, July 12, 2016

This girl is 11!!

Layla turned 11 yesterday on July 11th.  It was a fun day doing all things Layla.
She (like me) has been celebrating her day for a week so far!

She chose cookie cake for her birthday cake this year!

She is just growing into such a smart little lady.  She loves to play guitar.  Every time she walks by the piano she plays a couple of songs.  She doesn't realize it, but she's constantly singing, especially in the shower.  She's still as loving as ever with animals and she's pretty loving towards her brother too.  They have their moments of fighting, but mostly they are buddies.

Her legs are getting so long!

Yesterday for her birthday we went to see The Secret Life of Pets.  It was so cute.  We all enjoyed it!

7-11 continued their free slurpee on 7-11 tradition, so we joined in on that fun.  She got a birthday cake flavored slurpee and it was pretty tasty!  After the movie and slurpee we came home to swim and then she chose Chic-fil-A for dinner.  It was a fun day and that is exactly what I want for the kids birthday days.  I love celebrating them!

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