Sunday, July 3, 2016

we finally got on the boat!

It's no secret we have had tons of rain.  The lakes all near us are many many feet above normal water levels, so most docks and parks are closed for boating and camping and anything lake related.

We love Lake Whitney and our buddies put the boat in the water, so we joined them for an afternoon of fun.  I'll be honest with you, I was not thrilled to go.  I just knew all the people in the world would be on the lake on a holiday weekend.  I didn't want to have to see huge logs and debris from the flooding.  I was basically just a grump about going.  We did end up having fun.  It was a challenge getting to the boat on the water, but all in all we had a wonderful time in the sun.

The girls did a little tubing.

Gary and Jarred rode the Airchair.  It was windy and the water was choppy, so we had the must fun just sitting in the water floating around watching the kids jump from the boat.  My favorite thing!!

I'm thankful for no injuries.  I'm thankful for a fun day with good friends and I wish I hadn't been such a nervous Nelly, but heck I guess someone has to worry for everyone right?!?!

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