Tuesday, August 23, 2016

it's the first day of school here in Texas

we have a new routine for drop off and pick up since I'm working this year.  i'm nervous for their first day and mine.  it is crazy that after 11 years we are in school together.  i think this will be a wonderful year as we all get into our family groove together.  we are all adjusting and adapting and dad isn't left out of this equation as he just started his brand new job in July!  

(sixth grade)

(third grade)

Monday, August 22, 2016

school starts tomorrow!


I can't believe summer is already over!

Goodness, time flies when you're having fun.

Tomorrow I will have a 6th grader and a 3rd grader!  I'm so proud of these two!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

single sentence Sunday

We had a wonderful weekend at Lake Whitney with friends!!

Monday, August 1, 2016

these are a few of my favorite things

Gary has been loving his new schedule.  He has a new job in which he gets off work at a consistant time.  He is off on Saturday and Sunday.  Before he worked most Saturdays and now he usually works a half Saturday a month.  It is really awesome for our whole family.  We'll love it even more in the fall during football season and when the kids start sports events in the fall!

He's loving cooking more and I'm loving sharing the kitchen duties.  We were all craving ribs and so he smoked a few racks of ribs but we couldn't think of a side dish.  Finally I remembered my love for the grilled sweet potatoes we made a few weeks ago, so that was one of our sides with ribs.  It was a nice easy meal and everyone in our family was happy!  

All you do is thick slice the sweet potatoes and toss them in some olive oil and cinnamon.  Then you grill each side to get a few marks on them and then place them in a grill pan with a foil lid.  Let them sit for about 8 minutes or longer if you want them softer. Oh my goodness, so yummy and pretty healthy too.  We sure do love summer foods!