Saturday, September 24, 2016

Football time in Texas

We finally made it to a Midway home football game!  

The first Midway game of the season it rained and the second game Hayden was feeling awful, so we finally went to a home game last night. As a member of the Panther Pack, Hayden got to run onto the field before the football players run out.  He was feeling shy about it, but he did great!  

Layla participated in a Goal Tenders dance clinic a few weekends ago and she got to perform with them before the game.  It was a fun and busy night with kid activities.  I loved being at the game because I just love Friday night football.  As a little kid before I was a cheerleader or in the band I attended football games.  Layla had fun last night just as I did when I as a little girl because she got to hang out with her buddies. 

I'm thrilled to work for and send my kiddos to such a great school district.  I'm looking forward to many more fun Friday evenings under the bright Friday night lights.  I hope to head to my high school too for a game or two!  #Cubforlife

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