Sunday, October 9, 2016

Fall feels good!

We have all settled into a nice routine for fall.  
The weather here in October has been amazing!

On Mondays we load up in the evenings and do baseball.  
Layla is loving the top off the Jeep just as much as the rest of us!

We're loving watching this guy hit the ball!

On Tuesdays we taco or tostada!   You know, Taco Tuesday is the best!

Wednesdays are for ring pops watching HC play more ball!

Thursdays are low key.  
We try to cook something fun and watch Grey's and football.  
I like to throw in a load or two of laundry to keep up with it all.

Lily and dad are having a serious conversation and of course 
Daisy is very jealous. 
Goodness these dogs are sweeties!

Aaaand we burn the fall candles and diffuse ALL the fall oils.

On Fridays we football!

On Saturdays we eat a fun breakfast and we dream of where our future house will be.  We can't wait to buy a home, but we are using this time to explore and plan for all the things we want.  It's fun!  We all load up with the Jeep top off and we explore our area.  Sometimes we want to buy a lot and build a house and other times we want to buy a house already built.  I'm not loving our rental house right now, but I am enjoying every moment.  I'm helping the kids to make memories that will last a lifetime.  Someday we will drive past our current home and remember all the fun things we did here!

After we finish exploring Gary smokes meat and we watch football outside in the backyard.  He missed out on so many Saturday's with the family and now we don't take them for granted!

One week he smoked a brisket and the another he did pork.  He's in his element and he loves it.  He's been cooking more for us every single night since I started working. I love being in the kitchen with him.  We sorta fell back into our dinner routine of him doing the meat and I do the sides.

I enjoy coffee on the porch in the morning.  I love watching the doggies get frisky in the fall air.  I'd rather watch them than browse Facebook right now.  Ugh.  Can the election be over yet?  Sometimes I wonder if some of my friends on FB live in a bubble.  Goodness, the nonsense going on on social media right now has me irritated.  That's why I love Instagram.  It's my happy, peaceful and no drama space!

I was so nervous, but excited to start my new job.  After 11 years as a stay at home mom I was worried about messing up our family dynamic.  We all have good communication.  We're all happy most of the time.  I didn't want my schedule change to effect us all negatively, but it has been wonderful.  I couldn't be happier with my choice to become a working mom.  It's working out great for everyone in our little family.  So far we are thriving in our new normal!

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