Sunday, October 23, 2016

pumpkins and pecans

We did all things fall today.  
We drove around this afternoon house hunting and then the kids were excited to get home to play with pumpkins.

Gary is the pumpkin carver in our family and he always does a wonderful job.  I'm thankful he does it because I don't think my carving skills are up to par.  I'm sure I would embarrass myself if I tried to carve a pumpkin.

Hayden was more than happy to stick his hands down into the pumpkins and clean it out.  Gross.  Layla dug down inside her pumpkin also, but Hayden actually had fun.  Layla had fun painting her pumpkins.  She looks forward to that every single year.

I had fun taking pictures of all our crafts and then I baked a cake.  I found this cake recipe on Pinterest.  It is called southern pecan praline cake with butter sauce.  It is seriously one of the best cakes I've ever made.  Just search Pinterest for the recipe because I can't take credit for it.  You'll love it though, it is so yummy!

It's such a great fall cake.  I wasn't sure if the kids would like it but they did.  
We all loved it and it was a great end to our fun 'fall' Sunday!

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