Monday, November 28, 2016

Oh Christmas tree


Honestly I wasn't excited about putting up the Christmas tree in this rental home.  I had a day or two of being a sour puss having to decorate in a house I don't love.  

You know what happened?  

We decorated and now I'm in love.  

I love this little house all festive and bright for Christmas.  I love driving up to the house and seeing the big tree lit through the huge front windows.  I know we all have good days and bad days and good thoughts and bad thoughts.  I don't like being negative and I make it my mission to try to always see the bright side.  This time the bright side smacked me in the face and I deserved it!

I wasn't excited about getting a real tree this year because Hayden's eczema is out of control and I didn't want to add more allergy to his life.  We ended up getting a pre-lit fake tree and it's kinda fun.  I think it is a great idea and we can use it in our playroom in the years to come and get a real tree for the main living area again. 

Anyway, I'm excited about this year now and I know God will have us in our new home next year.  That will give me time to get a new tree skirt. ;-)  Goodness we need a larger one!

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