Tuesday, November 15, 2016

the patting myself on the back post ;-)

I'm trying to raise readers y'all, but I know reading isn't for everyone.  My hope is that Layla and Hayden will see me reading and they may love it too.

As part of their homework the munchkins read for 20 minutes everyday.  They have to read quietly and you better believe I join in.  Knowing the kiddos would be reading anyway is what motivated me to challenge myself to read more in 2016.  

Last December I decided I'd read 25 books in one year.  I wasn't sure if I would make the time to do it, but I DID!  It was so fun and I really branched out and read some books that I wouldn't normally have picked for myself.  I ended up falling in love with Goodreads.  I love having buddies to follow so I can see what they are reading.  I have my favorite friends and if they love a book I try to read what they've read.  It is a wonderful tool for reviewing books before I read them.

I'm planning to do another challenge in 2017 and I know it will be harder for me since I have a job now, but I think I can do it!

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