Sunday, December 4, 2016

our weekend in fredricksburg

Gary planned a weekend getaway for us and surprised me with it!  

I am not that great at receiving surprises, so he ended up telling me where we were going before we left so I could pack correctly.  I'm super grateful for all he did in planning a fun weekend for us and our buddies.

We stayed at a Bed n Breakfast in Fredricksburg, very very close to Luckenbach. It's called the Full Moon Inn.  It was very quint and perfect.

It was cold and rainy all weekend so we didn't get to enjoy the outdoors, but we still made the best of our kid free weekend.  Every once in awhile it is important to just get away from it all!

Breakfast was served promptly each morning at 9:00am.

Saturday morning we had breakfast with several other couples and one family with children.

We had eggs Luckenbach, pumpkin pancakes and yummy bacon.  We had coffee in our room before breakfast and we also had coffee with breakfast.  I know it sounds odd to comment on the coffee, but it was fabulous.  I should have asked what kind of coffee they served, but I didn't.  It wasn't just your basic Folgers though.

Gary and I chose the Smoke House Cottage.  Our buddies stayed in the Peach room.  Both rooms were very cute and cozy, but the Peach room is more modern and updated.  Gary and I loved the old fashioned and rustic look of our choice. 

After our breakfast we headed to a winery to sample some great wine.  I don't think I've ever tasted port.  I'm not sure how that hasn't been in my life until now.  It was such a wonderful treat and Gary and I ended up buying several bottles of wine and joining the  GrapeCreek wine club. 

The scenery was fabulous and I'm so excited to go back in the spring so I can enjoy a glass of wine on their many patios!!

We left the winery and headed to a brewery to watch some football.

We were freezing cold and had frizzy hair, but that didn't stop us from sampling a few beers at  the Fredrickburg Brewery.  I love trying different beers!

After a delicious German lunch we headed to Luckenbach before heading back to our rooms before dinner.  I was disappointed with Luckenbach, but I won't discount it all together. We must go back in better weather!  I'm sure I'll love it more then.  I thought I had memories of Luckenbach from childhood and seeing it again at age just wasn't the same.

See the cat on the counter??  It was bizarre and the flies y'all.  There were flies buzzing around everywhere.  I couldn't believe it.  Maybe they were drawn to the wood burning fireplace.  Who knows?!?

Look at that cool little Christmas tree to the right of us. I thought it was perfect!

After our tour of Luckenbach we headed back to the Full Moon Inn.  We watched more football and got ready for dinner.  

The common area was so fun and inviting.  

So cozy and warm!


Gary and Jarred chose Cross Roads for dinner and dancing after.

We had happy hour in the bar area while we waited on our table.  Ok, so yes I'm going there....

This table looks like a butt.  What in the world?  LOLOLOLOL! I'm such a child.

I was craving chicken fried steak and this one was amazing.

Gary ordered quail, Jarred ordered a steak and Shelby ordered the flounder special.  All the food was wonderful!  I was hoping to dance off the steak I ordered, but the band wasn't what we expected.  We had hopes of doing some country dancing, but the band wasn't that.  I can't even explain what kind of music they played but it was modern with a side of jazz and the crowd was loving it WAY more than us 40 something old people.  It wasn't what we visualized in Fredricksburg.

All in all we had a great time.  We relaxed and enjoyed our time away!  I'm very thankful for my wonderful husband for planning every last detail of a wonderful weekend away. If you are looking for a Bed n Breakfast in the Texas Hill Country you must visit the Full Moon Inn.  
Now I want to own my own bed and breakfast even more that I did before. 

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