Thursday, June 1, 2017

Last day of school!!!

I can't believe it is the last day of school for these two!

I'm thrilled for them.  They have worked so hard this year.  They have been super busy with soccer and volley ball.  We had activities every night for weeks and weeks and they did great!

 Hayden has one more year in elementary school.  He will finish out 4th grade next year.  I'm so excited for him!

 Layla is moving up to middle school.  She's our 7th grader!

 Goodness I just love my cuties!

 I survived my first year as a working mom.  I managed to find a way to keep us all fed and alive.  We all had clean laundry and a somewhat clean house!  It was a wonderful year for me and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I'm thrilled I decided to go back to work!  


We are so ready to dive into summer!! 

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