Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Merry Christmas

We woke up early Christmas morning and opened gifts.  It's always exciting to see what Santa delivered.  After we celebrated as a family of 4 we went to Clifton to visit my Aunt and Uncle.  Hayden rode his motorcycle and Layla just jumped around, as you can see.

We started the day with pancakes.  Gary is our pancake artist and he has taught the kids how to make fun shapes with pancake batter.  He made a birthday cake for Jesus, Santa's sleigh, Daisy's face and of course Hayden had to make the ever so popular turd emoji, picutred on LK's gown.

The dogs got bones from my parents and Santa brought them candy canes too.

I got warm furry blankets for my living room and I couldn't be happier!  Silly Daisy is licking her nose begging for more treats.  We had a very Merry Christmas!

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