Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year from Crested Butte

I can't think of a more fun NYE than skiing with my favorites!

These guys ripped it up and skiied hard.  I'm so proud of them!

We all met at the Umbrella bar at the top of the mountain for lunch.

The skiing has been great, but we don't have any snow and it's melting.  I'm thankful we are leaving soon and hope next time we have more snow!!

Oh my I love these people so much!

Layla and I are on the same page.  We let the guys go nuts and we stay back and cruise.   Layla will be a fast skier one day, but I enjoy going slow and steady!

We had a fun NYE with friends.

We ate good tamales and tacos.  We played games.  We toasted the new year and stayed in until we heard the fireworks.  Even then we just stepped outside and peaked off the balcony of the condo.

Happy Happy 2018 y'all!!

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