Tuesday, August 21, 2018

First day of 5th and 8th

Let's do this 2018-2019 school year!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Cheer camp is in full swing

Cheer camp started Monday and ended today.  It was so fun to see Layla come home each night more excited than the day before.  I feel confident she found her 'thing.'  She loves to tumble and she enjoys being loud and smiling.  She's doing what she loves!!  

My heart literally broke when she tried out for All American cheerleader, but didn't make it.  I feel like she had a questionable attitude about it from the beginning, but we pushed her to do her best.  Her 4 closest buddies on the cheer team all made it, but she didn't.  I hate she didn't make it, but I also know as parents we have to help our kids deal with dissapointment.  During camp they had a tryout the last day.  She felt like she bombed the tryout.  As her parents we were there to comfort her, but dang it it was so hard to see her sad.  

I think just to get nominated was a huge thing!  I'm super proud of my 8th grade cheerleader! I think her first cheer camp was a huge success.  She's sore and tired, but happy!!